A downloadable mod

Short thing about me: I LOVE Dino Crisis. I loved dinosaurs as any kid, and loved survival horror as well. Never had an N64 or a good PC back then, so i couldn't enjoy Turok. But i know somebody in here share the same passion and probably played both games.

My 13th mod, and 20th contribution to the forums (no april's fools this time) is a small monster pack i started after playing Dino Rampage by alb800, editing some raptors from TurokDoom, adding some Dino Crisis 2 sounds, then adding a T-Rex, more Dino Crisis 2 sounds, and voilá.

Nothing fancy, just a small release. Kill the dinos and have fun. Maybe this could be the impulse someone needed to rip or sprite more dinosaurs. Doom needs more dinosaurs. We all love dinosaurs.

Also, a little mini mod that enables you to do combos à là Dino Crisis 2. 

Have fun!

CategoryGame mod
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
TagsDinosaurs, Doom, gzdoom


CarnivoreDisaster [020723].pk3 6.8 MB
DC2_ComboSystem.pk3 13 kB
CarnivoreDisaster_Credits.txt 293 bytes

Install instructions

You'll need a sourceport such as LZDoom or GZDoom to play this file. I also recommend looking at launchers like ZDL or Ace Doom Launcher to combine this with other mods.

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